Neuropathy Treatment

Longview Spine & Sports Medicine

Longview Neuropathy Treatment
Get Your Life Back

Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage that commonly affects extremities. Symptoms include numbing, tingling, pins and needles sensation, throbbing & burning pain. Neuropathy can be physically debilitating which can take a toll on mental and emotional health.

Longview Spine & Sports Medicine utilizes technologies to effectively deal with the symptoms of neuropathy. Acoustic Wave Technology, Trigger Point Therapy, Vitamin B12 Injections all support the body’s innate healing powers.

Early diagnosis and treatment offers the best chance of controlling symptoms and preventing further damage. The most common causes of neuropathy is injury and diabetes. Our approach is to decrease the body’s inflammation and regenerate nerves so a neuropathy patient can get their life back. Let us see if we can help you.

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